HIGHVIBE Network puts ownership back into the hands of the creators while unlocking the value in the experience economy

Nicolas Nups
2 min readMay 31, 2021

What is HIGHVIBE network?

HIGHVIBE is an operating system for your life. A blockchain-based ecosystem designed to elevate our human experience. Composed of platforms, apps, communities and events — all designed to deliver high-quality experiences that uplift and empower our human experience.

Building for mass adoption at the sweet spot of several interconnected & vibrant markets: Virtual Experiences (VX), Online Learning, Personal Development, Wellness, Functional Entertainment, and more. Bringing you a highly accessible ecosystem that leverages converging technologies that enhance human connectedness.

HIGHVIBE network is here to enable web3 interoperability, support creators in creating tangible value, and to solve key challenges (around extractionary business models) in the attention economy. Many apps who offer rewards keep you locked in, creators Most of the companies out there are selling our data and looking at profit as the main driver.

Our belief system is different.

The transition from the customer/company relationship where the interests are misaligned, to the community/dao relationship where we can all grow and create value together. Leveraging our technology stack, and reducing difficulty and time to market for content creators and influencers.

What that looks like initially, is key DeFi functionality, NFT minting with ‘smart creator royalties, and a platform to connect and interact with your connections. Enabling experiences that expand our consciousness and allow us to enjoy immersive worlds through VR/AR.

Welcome to the experience economy, powered by the $VIBES token.

How can I learn more about HighVibe?

Follow us on Twitter @highvibenetwork, Telegram @highvibenetwork & Discord and check our website https://www.HIGHVIBE.network/ regularly as we are about to release a sequence of updates throughout this year including our official whitepaper and key information regarding the $VIBES private sale.

Join HighVibe.Network and get rewarded for expanding your consciousness

